Monday, June 6, 2016


This commercial is intended for everyone with a heart. It's intended for med students, pharmacists, Doctors, Pharmaceutical Distributors and just about anyone in the medical profession. It's intended for the young and the old, for any nationality any religion. Because it really makes you think, what if I had someone in my family really sick with an unknown illness. Makes you stop to ask yourself what would I tell them. How could I help them. This commercial shows that medicine is not the only thing that can help a sick love one. The company is going all out to show that medicine and love from love ones helps a love one to be stronger and willing to be brave.  The brother wanted to brighten the sister up with beautiful colored flowers everywhere, even if it came down to doing something illegal like  painting graffiti on the building right outside his little sisters window where she could see his beautiful art.
The social and cultural connotations are positive ones.  Pfizer is saying  Be Brave like what the big brother wrote on the wall. I think the company is also saying through the small amount of text in the commercial is that love is the most important social and cultural aspect of what they do. And within the context of the written text, be brave and sometimes it takes more  than medicine. I think Pfizer through the text is saying our medicine may make the person better but love lifts their spirits and to receive a good outcome we need both.
The technology used here is visual text of one or two sentences, no text to speech. The goal of Pfizer company is to persuade the audience to buy their product and invest in their product because they care and love the people that is needing their product, this is the bottom line. Pfizer cares. And as a goal for the audience that is simple too. As mentioned earlier everyone is the intended audience you never know when you might have to use Pfizers products or suggest Pfizer products and you feel ok with recommending the product.  The over all goal is great in my eyes because I see a product working and love given, I would try Pfizer's products if I would need them. I do feel that they went a little over board with the big brother and the graffiti, and this could possibly hinder the main point of the commercial. It could show that no matter what I'll break the law to help a love one. Well is this right? In my eyes no. So is the company standing behind this thought? I feel that they are not and this was just a commercial but there are many that would say different. I do feel the commercial is successful with getting their point and this is to have love and medication together.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Blog 2

I think that this picture would attract any audience. Especially family oriented audiences. And they would think this is a sweet picture of a grandfather and his grandson enjoying each other.

Even if the picture was in black and white, I feel the image would remain the same. The look is there in the faces of both as being pleased and happy. Both aspects as far as color or black or white still gives off warmth.  And the audience will remain the same.
My title is "Grandparents Love," and this definitely would not change my audience. The words of the title says it all and portrays love like no other.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Nurse Meme

I  chose the following pictures up above to describe me in a general way and here is information on why I picked these pictures. What my friends think I do is quite funny, most of them think that I am so militant, I guess from serving in the Army I continue to carry the army lifestyle over into my nursing life now. My mother thinks that I am in a little bit of everything as far as the jobs that a nurse can do, she thinks this way because this is how I've been my whole life, loving to learn and conquer different obstacles and be the best at it. Through high school, I was in several sports, played instrument, ROTC, you name it, I was in it. Now society thinks that nurses only pass medication and give out shots and this is not the case. Nursing is right up there to me with the Doctors, we as nurses have more information and history of patients because we are with them majority of the time.  What my boss thinks makes me feel really proud. I am a fairly new nurse and the comments and praise that I have gotten from my head nurse is what I need to hear. Knowing that I am doing what I am suppose to do as a nurse is pressure off of her back as well. Now being that I am a new nurse, at times I feel like I'm loosing it and that nursing isn't for me. But I snap out of it when out of no where my nursing instincts kick in when there is a ailing resident, at this point is when I know nursing is for me, I want to help anyone that needs me to the best of my ability. So what do I do? Take care of my people. And they love me for it. I hear good things about me from my residents every time I work my shift, and this makes me feel so good inside.