I chose the following pictures up above to describe me in a general way and here is information on why I picked these pictures. What my friends think I do is quite funny, most of them think that I am so militant, I guess from serving in the Army I continue to carry the army lifestyle over into my nursing life now. My mother thinks that I am in a little bit of everything as far as the jobs that a nurse can do, she thinks this way because this is how I've been my whole life, loving to learn and conquer different obstacles and be the best at it. Through high school, I was in several sports, played instrument, ROTC, you name it, I was in it. Now society thinks that nurses only pass medication and give out shots and this is not the case. Nursing is right up there to me with the Doctors, we as nurses have more information and history of patients because we are with them majority of the time. What my boss thinks makes me feel really proud. I am a fairly new nurse and the comments and praise that I have gotten from my head nurse is what I need to hear. Knowing that I am doing what I am suppose to do as a nurse is pressure off of her back as well. Now being that I am a new nurse, at times I feel like I'm loosing it and that nursing isn't for me. But I snap out of it when out of no where my nursing instincts kick in when there is a ailing resident, at this point is when I know nursing is for me, I want to help anyone that needs me to the best of my ability. So what do I do? Take care of my people. And they love me for it. I hear good things about me from my residents every time I work my shift, and this makes me feel so good inside.